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Articles, Videos, and Podcasts about Susan and her work

Susan has been interviewed for her research on music and wine, about her journey to wine and to becoming Master of Wine, and perspectives on wine evaluation, the business, and on staying balanced.

Frankfurter Allegemeine Zeitung

Beverage Trade Network

Beverage Trade Network

The Wine Jokers

VIDEO: 'The Voice of Wine | #01 - Susan R Lin' - with Augusto and Alberto Gherardi


PODCAST: 'Wine Pairings: Music and Food' - with Bryce Wiatrak (section begins 4 minutes into the program)


PODCAST: 'The Remarkable Wines of the Loire Valley' - with David Keck MS and Zachary Sussman

Barbara Sgarzi

BOOK: 'Vino, donne e leadership' ('Wine, Women, and Leadership') - by Barbara Sgarzi (in Italian) - links to excerpts about Susan and her work

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